Veteran Hills Summer Chains is a series of five mini-tournaments at Veteran Hills Disc Golf Course in Viroqua. Each tournament will consist of a single 18-hole round. There will be cash payouts at each event following the round. All are welcome. No preregistration required.
1st Chain: Sunday, April 28th
2nd Chain: Saturday, May 25th
3rd Chain: Saturday, June 22nd (You are here)
4th Chain: Sunday, August 18th
5th Chain: Sunday, September 22nd
9:00 am Registration
10:00 am Tee Off
For each event you play in, you’ll receive 1 free Shoot the Moon raffle ticket and 1 ticket in the running for free Shoot the Moon registration.
The entry fee is $10. Divisions with 3 or more people (2 for women and youth divisions) will be included.
Please see our Facebook events for up to date information on each tournament: https://www.facebook.com/BadAxeDiscGolf/events/