We are soooo excited to be getting back to hosting the Dairy Roubaix the way we’ve all been wanting to.
Big Party ALL together, community, new venue, singletrack, cabins, more rest stop options and tons of new gravel that will blow minds.
Registration is open.
Here’s yer link to the event-
This year’s registration has you paying the $10 entrance fee to come into the venue. This is no different than the State Park Pass you needed to enter Wyalusing.
When registering for this FREE event, please consider making a donation to Vernon Trails in addition to the $10 entrance fee.
(The $10 entrance fee goes to Sugar Creek)
And if you are looking to Camp/Cabin/Luxury Cabin, here’s that link-
We want to thank you all for your patience, we know that things like this can make a gravel rider antsy.
Now go register and we’ll see you soon.